Prelude to a Mad Wedding

Thoughts on organizing THE bulate wedding

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Wedding favors

I'm not much of an artist so before you ask, that picture is a trinket.

It's my first rest day this year here in Japan and I've begun to look for ideas on my wedding favors. I went to this DIY shop in Tsudanuma and found many things and then I came up with a trinket as a wedding favor. I thought of having 3 varieties: key chains, clipped charm and a strap. Although the design will be the same, I thought of creating the trinkets in 2 colors: green and orange. (I just don't know if a clover leaf would look nice in orange though, hehehe.. maybe the other charms na lang) I wouldn't know how to put me and my future hubby's name and wedding date in beads so I'd just hybrid it with another charm (either printed or cross stitched, depending on the size), laminated in plastic (I am yet to find these plastics).

It's hard work but I have this full year to finish all these. Next step is to find the materials. I don't know how much this will cost me but I hope I won't go over the budget. I still have to make a feasibility study if making these will be worth my time and my money. And to surf the net and scour DIY shops for the materials.

I also managed to look at the pile of invitation samples at the shop. I was hoping to make some DIY invitations too, since I have the resources. I am not much of an artist so, I'm still boggling on the design. I found some nice samples at the shop, and it gave me the idea of using clovers as motifs on the stationeries, favors and maybe the entourage dresses too, if possible. Japan is a good place to look for these items since clover-themed supplies are quite popular these days, and popular means a wide, wide variety of choices.

I don't know how to make trinkets so I also hope to acquire this skill while am it. I hope it will be of good use in the future.
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